Friday, 15 November 2013

Architectural Project - Complete!

I have finally finished my building! I had a little issue this week in that I was unable to save my alpha textures as targa files on my version of Photoshop (7.0.. ancient, I know) and show I had to keep transferring the files back and forth from my friend's CS6 in order to edit and save them properly. (It might be worth investing in a later version...)

Although I was happy overall with the alphas, the positioning of the planes annoyed me. When zoomed out from the building, the planes began flickering, as if they were too close to the wall behind them. However, zoomed in there is a noticeable distance between the wall and the plane. Perhaps a way to get around this next time would be to make the plane slightly larger in size so that the distance isn't noticed? I don't know...

So to finish off I went into the labs this morning to finish off my height maps and test them out on CrazyBump. I found that when applied to the model they sometimes had an odd effect - making certain polygons more shaded than others at certain angles, for instance.

Now everything is tidied up and finalised, with all of the references, textures and renders in their allocated folders. Here is the finished model:

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